Types of Trojan Horse Viruses

Types of Trojan Horse Viruses

Trojan Horses have developed to a remarkable level of cleverness, which makes each one radically different from each other. For an inclusive understanding, we have classified them into the following:

Remote Access Trojans

Remote Access Trojans are the most frequently available trojans. These give an attacker absolute control over the victim’s computers. The attacker can go through the files and access any personal information about the user that may be stored in the files, such as credit card numbers, passwords, and vital financial documents.

Password Sending Trojans

The intention of a Password Sending Trojan is to copy all the cached passwords and look for other passwords as you key them into your computer, and send them to particular email addresses. These actions are performed without the awareness of the users. Passwords for restricted websites, messaging services, FTP services and email services come under direct threat with this kind of trojan.

Key Loggers

Key Loggers type of Trojans logs victims’ keystrokes and then send the log files to the attacker. It then searches for passwords or other sensitive data in the log files. Most of the Key Loggers come with two functions, such as online and offline recording. Of course, they can be configured to send the log file to a specific email address on a daily basis.

Destructive Trojans

The only purpose of Destructive Trojans is to destroy and delete files from the victims’ computers. They can automatically delete all the core system files of the computer. The destructive trojan could be controlled by the attacker or could be programmed to strike like a logic bomb, starting on a particular day or at specific time.

Denial of Service (DoS) Attack Trojans

The core design intention behind Denial of Service (DoS) Attack Trojan is to produce a lot of internet traffic on the victim’s computer or server, to the point that the Internet connection becomes too congested to let anyone visit a website or download something. An additional variation of DoS Trojan is the Mail-Bomb Trojan, whose key plan is to infect as many computers as possible, concurrently attacking numerous email addresses with haphazard subjects and contents that cannot be filtered.

Proxy/Wingate Trojans

Proxy/Wingate Trojans convert the victim’s computer into a Proxy/Wingate server. That way, the infected computer is accessible to the entire globe to be used for anonymous access to a variety of unsafe Internet services. The attacker can register domains or access pornographic websites with stolen credit cards or do related illegal activities without being traced.

FTP Trojans

FTP Trojans are possibly the most simple, and are outdated. The only action they perform is, open a port numbered 21 – the port for FTP transfers – and let anyone connect to your computer via FTP protocol. Advance versions are password-protected, so only the attacker can connect to your computer.

Software Detection Killers

Software Detection Killers kill popular antivirus/firewall programs that guard your computer to give the attacker access to the victim’s machine.


A Trojan malware

A Trojan horse, or Trojan, is malware that appears to perform a desirable function for the user prior to run or install but instead facilitates unauthorized access of the user's computer system. "It is a harmful piece of software that looks legitimate.

A trojan horse is typically separated into two parts – a server and a client. It’s the client that is cleverly disguised as significant software and positioned in peer-to-peer file sharing networks, or unauthorized download websites. Once the client Trojan executes on your computer, the attacker, i.e. the person running the server, has a high level of control over your computer, which can lead to destructive effects depending on the attacker’s purpose.

A horse may modify the user's computer to display advertisements in undesirable places, such as the desktop or in uncontrollable pop-ups, or it may be less notorious, such as installing a toolbar on to the user's Web browser without prior notice. This can create the author of the Trojan revenue, despite it being against the Terms of Service of most major Internet advertising networks, such as Google AdSense.

Trojan horses may allow a hacker remote access to a target computer system. Once a Trojan horse has been installed on a target computer system, a hacker may have access to the computer remotely and perform various operations, limited by user privileges on the target computer system and the design of the Trojan horse.

Operations that could be performed by a hacker on a target computer system include:

* Use of the machine as part of a botnet (e.g. to perform automated spamming or to distribute Denial-of-service attacks)
* Data theft (e.g. retrieving passwords or credit card information)
* Installation of software, including third-party malware
* Downloading or uploading of files on the user's computer
* Modification or deletion of files
* Keystroke logging
* Watching the user's screen
* Crashing the computer

A trojan horse virus can spread in a number of ways. The most common means of infection is through email attachments. The developer of the virus usually uses various spamming techniques in order to distribute the virus to unsuspecting users. Another method used by malware developers to spread their trojan horse viruses is via chat software such as Yahoo Messenger and Skype. Another method used by this virus in order to infect other machines is through sending copies of itself to the people in the address book of a user whose computer has already been infected by the virus.


types of computer viruses

Computer viruses can infect any computer and can cause severe damage to it. Installing an updated antivirus program is the best way to protect your computer against viruses. There are numerous types of computer viruses prevailing in the Web and computers around. Computer viruses spread over a network by infecting networking file system or file system that is accessed by another computer.

Simple Virus
Simple virus targets program file and it executes itself when you run that program. This virus attaches itself to other programs automatically.

Encrypted Virus
Antivirus software can easily track most of the computer viruses. Encrypted virus is the virus, which couldn't be trapped by antivirus software due to its encrypted code.

Polymorphic Virus
Developer of polymorphic virus encrypts the virus signature, which makes it more difficult for antivirus to detect the virus. Polymorphic virus could only be detected by special codes written specifically for polymorphic virus.

Macro Virus
Macro Virus as its name suggests is a mini-program that runs inside other program. Basically, Macro viruses are scripts that are specially written to infect the computer. They can spread quickly because they infect popular application used in daily computing activities.

Trojan horse
Trojan horse is a kind of virus, which is embedded in an application or software, and installs itself on your computer along with installation of that program.

Worms are self replicating and can spread in many computers connected in a network. To protect your PC from worm you need software with antivirus and firewall.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_K_T_Smith


computer virus tip

How can I get rid of a computer virus is a question that unfortunately a lot of computer owners have to deal with! Although the virus causes a severe problem to your computer there are ways to effectively rid your computer of them.

How can I get rid of a computer virus tip number 1.

One way to get rid of a computer virus is to buy computer virus removal software. There are many kids of virus removal softwares on the market but not all get rid of the pesky viruses! What most of them do is begin by scanning your computer for harmful viruses. Some scans may take a while to perform but in the end most return with results from the test run on your computer first. Then the will give you the option to purchase the software!

Computer viruses can be a real pain to have and really hard to get rid of! They can and often will return even after they have been rid of. Everyday new computer viruses are made and it becomes harder to fight them off. Lots of times we have to buy new software programs a year or two later because the computer virus is not up to date and cant fight off the newer viruses. But most of the time a good computer virus software will help maintain and rid your computer of viruses for a good while.

How can I get rid of a computer virus tip number 2.

Another way that you can get rid of a computer virus is to give it to a computer repairman. These guys come in handy if they can be found cheap which is a big question because most of the time they cant. Then a lot of the time they barely fix the problem just to get you to come back for more a few months down the line which equals to you guessed it more money on your part. Even if you only have to let them fix your computer once which is highly unlikely it will most of the time cost nearly a third of what most of us paid for our computers and the sad thing is that we are allowing a total stranger to view our computer which usually contains a lot of personal and private information.

Everyone is not trustworthy and your information can leak out if in the wrong hands! Its great to go with the first choice and get yourself a great computer virus removal software program. If you are tired of your computer viruses and want to learn how to get rid of a computer virus then visit the link below for details and get rid of those pesky computer viruses.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dev_Louis


Computer viruses

Computer viruses often take innocent-looking forms, and operate on sneaky planes of your computer, often behind the scenes. You may know how to avoid computer viruses and yet still be struck with one. Because there's always the risk that it might happen to you, you may want to learn how to get rid of a computer virus.

You want to know how to get rid of a computer virus even if you don't currently have one, because when a computer virus strikes you may not have the means to look up information on how to get rid of a computer virus. Learn how to treat them before you get them, so you won't have to worry about how to get rid of a computer virus at an inconvenient time.

If you want to know how to get rid of a computer virus, the answer lies in anti-virus software. You can find lots of free software (download it through a reputable source!) for anti-virus protection on the Internet. Anti-virus software is how to get rid of a computer virus, the safest and best way for your computer and your other software.

This anti-virus software not only takes care of existing viruses (in most cases), but also blocks incoming viruses from making their home of your hard drive. If you want to know how to get rid of a computer virus, get some free anti-virus software. This is the best way to deal with the problem, and will safeguard you against viruses.

Think about how to get rid of a computer virus, and download some software, before you have a problem with viruses. You want to protect the information on your computer, not to mention the software and components of the computer itself. When you know how to get rid of a computer virus, you won't have to worry about the information you may lose or the problems you may face that result from having a virus. When it comes to computer viruses, prevention is the key. When you know how to get rid of a computer virus, you can use your computer without fear.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Emma_Drosy


laptop’s security

One of the first considerations that should be made is in regard to the laptop’s security. Since thieves will target these as often as they will cash, jewelry or other valuables, it’s critical to put as many security measures into place as possible when traveling through airports, bus terminals, train stations and any other form of public travel. Of course, it’s never wise to leave your laptop unattended. It’s a sad testament to the way of the world, but you can be fairly certain that when you return, your equipment will be gone.

When packing for your trip, place the laptop in a case that’s different – and less obvious – from its standard carrying case, and make sure that it’s checked in as carry-on luggage. This will not only ensure that it doesn’t get stolen, but will be in the pressurized part of the plane, rather than the baggage compartment, which doesn’t have pressure or climate controls that are needed to ensure the integrity of the laptop.

Laptop Contents
You should ensure that you only have files and other information on your laptop that you absolutely need to do your job whilst you are not connected to the corporate computer network. Get into the habit of transferring your files to a network folder whenever you are connected.

Highly Sensitive Business Information
Please ensure that you do not load information that is highly sensitive or sensitive (classified) onto your laptop, unless you have authorization to do so.

Laptop Backups
If you are not in the habit of routinely backing up your files on your laptop, you run the risk of losing your files and other valuable information if your computer crashes or is stolen. The best way to backup your files is to transfer them to a network folder whenever you are connected to the corporate computer network.

Cafes and Hotels
Keeping your laptop in sight at all times is especially important when you are in a cafe, restaurant or hotel etc. These are popular places for opportunists to steal mobile phones, wallets, handbags and of course laptops. It only takes a moment to be distracted while someone moves into steal from you. The best way to counter this type of theft is to have your laptop on the floor against your leg so you can feel its weight, and if you have a long carry strap, put your foot on or through the carry strap. This way you will know if someone tries to take it.

Conferences and Seminars
It is particularly important for you to protect your laptop if you take it to a conference or seminar. You cannot rely upon the security of the conference site, nor expect the support staff, to protect the laptop for you. It is not usually a good idea to take your laptop to these types of events, unless of course you don't mind carrying it with you at all times, even during breaks.

Whenever you travel, whether by walking, by car or using some form of public transport, your laptop can be vulnerable to theft or loss. It can be quite simple when you have other things on your mind, to accidentally leave your laptop behind when you get off a bus or jump out of a taxi. It is important for you to stay focused, alert and to keep your laptop close to you at all times. Again, wrap the carry strap around your person to prevent theft.

Laptops in Parked Cars
Remember; do not leave your laptop in a car in plain sight, unattended at any time. If you absolutely must leave your laptop in the car for any reason, put it into the boot of your car discretely. Don't forget to remove it, especially if using a hire car. Don't leave your laptop in the boot of your car for long periods on very hot days. Numerous laptops have been stolen from parked cars because they are attractive items for a quick cash sale. So please think before you act.

There have been instances where people have been mugged specifically for their laptops. If you are walking through high-risk areas, you should consider disguising the fact you are carrying a laptop by placing it in a backpack or sports bag.

Using Laptops In Public Places
When you use a laptop in a public place, it is usually not just you that can see the screen; this is particularly true when you use your laptop on public transport. Think about how many times you have sat next to someone who is using their laptop and what you have been able to read on the screen. Remember, if you use your laptop in public; be careful about who can see your screen while you are working. Be discreet.

In addition to the laptop itself, it’s always a good idea to bring an extension cord and extra batteries. Even though you may plan to use electricity, you should also include a back-up plan, and batteries may only give you a few hours’ worth of power at a time before needing to be recharged or changed. When possible, cut down on the use of those things which need large amounts of energy, such as CD-ROMs, and reduce the number of auto-saves on your machine.

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Boost your computer's performance

Interesting Computer Trick

For those whose PC is under trouble and wish to recover its speed and performance, there are fabulous computer tips and tricks with which you can speed up your computer's performance.

step1: Right click on desktop and select properties.

step2: In the appearance tab, click on effects, tick the 2nd option(if not already selected) and in the drop down menu
select 'clear type'. Uncheck all the options, then click ok and apply.

step3: now in the theme tab save your settings say 'my theme' for example, then apply and ok;

step4: Now right click on my computer, go to advance-->performance settings and select adjust for best performance, then click apply then ok;
(Note: if you already performed this step before step 1&2, then you have to select for best appearance first before applying step 1)

step5: Right click on desktop and select properties;

step6: In the theme tab, in the drop down menu of 'save as' option select 'my current theme' and click on apply button. Again in the drop down menu select 'my theme' as you saved earlier and click on apply and then ok and you are done.

Every time you try to install and uninstall any new program, you will find some files being stored behind as registry files. These are nothing but garbage files, which you need to, remove entirely to help improve the performance of your PC. Registry Cleaner is a software program, whose job is to empty the entire garbage registry files in no time. You may find some unwanted startup programs, which you do not use that often. To remove that, follow these steps:

Go to your startup menu -> Home -> run.

Type msconfig, uncheck all startup programs which you do not use that often under the startup tab.


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