data backup in windows XP tips

This utility program is used to make the backup of the selected files, folders and entire hard disk on zip disk, floppy disk or CD-R. This backup utility program also compresses the files so that the size of backup files can be reduced. It is a good practice to make the backup of your important data.

Your important data may be corrupted due to the attack of virus or problem may occur in the hard disk due to any reason. This backed up data may be restored on the same hard disk or other hard disk as and when required. The restore program is used to restore the backup data.

Perform the following steps to run the backup and restore process:
  1. First click on Start button to open “Run” and type “ntbackup” then press Ok button to run the backup or restore wizard.
  2. The Backup or Restore Wizard will appear, click Next button to continue.
    Here select “Back up files and settings” check box and click Next button.
  3. Now you can specify the option, select “Let me choose what to backup” option and click Next button.
  4. Select the items (any file, folder and drive) to be backup and click Next button
  5. Now give the destination for backup file and type a name for this backup and click Next.
  6. In next windows, you can select the backup types (Normal, Copy, Incremental, Differential, and daily), click advance button otherwise click to Finish.
  7. For Advanced settings, select the backup type and click Next button.
  8. Now specify” How to Backup” (compression, verification and shadow copy option) and click Next button.
  9. Now select backup options (Append to existing backups, Replace the existing backups), click Next.
  10. Now you can scheduled the backup mean when to backup (start backup now or schedule for later).
  11. Click Finish button to start backup process.

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The Recycle Bin

The Recycle Bin is very useful for recovering the files or folders that are intentionally or accidentally deleted. The Recycle Bin holds the files and folders that are deleted by the following methods or commands.

  • Deleted files or folders by pressing Delete key on the keyboard.
  • Dragged files or folder to the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop.
  • Deleted files or folders by choosing Delete command from the popup menu or edit menu.
  • You can recover the accidentally deleted files or folders from Recycle Bin folder. The default size of Recycle Bin is equivalent to 10 % of total hard disk size.

You can set the maximum size of Recycle Bin is 3.99 GB in all windows version expect windows Vista (Vista default 10% + 5% of total hard disk capacity). If you want to delete a large size file than Recycle Bin size, then file will be deleted permanently, that is why always set the maximum storage size of Recycle Bin in your system.


Window Disk Cleanup

Window Disk Cleanup is very useful tool to increase the performance of your system. You can increase also the free space on the hard disk, because Disk Cleanup utility searches many unnecessary programs and files on your hard drive that you can delete. This tool perform many useful tasks to cleanup your hard disk. Among of them are :

  • Delete the temporary internet files
  • Delete the old windows programs that you are not using.
  • Delete all temp Downloaded Program files
  • Delete Office Setup files
  • Delete Old Chkdsk file
  • Delete the Recycle Bin items
  • Delete all Setup log files
  • Delete the windows temporary files
  • Delete the Web Client or Publisher Temporary files.
  • Delete all Catalog file for the content indexer.
  • You can remove the optional windows components that you are not using


Windows memory

Windows memory requirements :

Windows XP: Microsoft recommends 64 MB as a minimum and 128 MB for real-life computing; Crucial recommends 256 MB.

Windows 2000: Microsoft recommends 64 MB; Crucial goes with 128 MB.

Windows ME: Microsoft recommends 32MB as a minimum; Crucial recommends 128 MB.

Windows 98: Microsoft recommends 24 MB as a minimum; Crucial recommends 96 MB.

Windows NT 4x: Microsoft recommends 32 MB as a minimum; Crucial recommends 96 MB.

Windows 95: Crucial doesn't list this OS (too old?), but Microsoft recommends a minimum of 8
MB, and other sources recommend a minimum of 24 MB.

Be aware that Win 95 suffers from a problem with diminishing returns. Too much memory (i.e. anything over 64 MB) tends to make Win 95 choke.


Hot printer tips

More inkjet caveats:
Store old but usable cartridges in Ziploc bags or something else relatively airtight. Stick to using the paper recommended by your printer manufacturer (if you don't know what to use, go with the standard 20-pound copier paper); also never mix paper types in the same batch, and be careful about setting your paper guides, as many inkjet printers are rather flimsy. Keep the inside of the printer clean, using tweezers and canned air to clear out the debris and gook from the inside. Lastly, if your printer maker posts new printer drivers for your particular model, download and use them.

Clean the nozzles of your inkjet printer periodically.
Each printer's software has you perform this task differently, but however you do it, do it at least once every few weeks, particularly if your printer sits unused for stretches of time. The printer "blows" ink through the nozzles to remove dried and gunked-up ink; it may seem wasteful, but you save in the long run by not having to replace half-used cartridges.

You should run your ink jet printer's cartridge-cleaning utility fairly regularly.
Don't wait until print quality starts to degrade. Most printer software comes with self-test features under the Properties\Utilities section of their main screens; run the tests and see for yourself if the test produces less-than-excellent results. Run the cleaning utility and run the test page program again. Really badly clogged cartridges may need multiple runs of the cleaning utility. The downside: the cleaning process uses a disproportionate amount of ink, so running the utility without need wastes ink.

If you frequently print documents
using different printer settings, such as black and white drafts versus color documents, you're probably getting tired of changing these settings each time you print. You can avoid this busywork by tricking Windows into thinking you have two different printers. "Install" the same printer twice, then set the Properties for each to match your most commonly used settings. From then on, the only setting change you'll have to make is selecting the printer you want to use. To "install" your printer again, select Start, Settings, Printers and click Add Printer. Follow along with the installation instructions, and when asked, opt to keep the existing driver. Also, be sure to give this "second" printer an appropriate name, such as Color Docs. When the installation is complete, you'll see two different printer icons in the Printers window. To adjust their properties, one at a time, right-click an icon, select Properties, and so on. The next time you want to print a document, select the application's Print command, select a printer in the resulting dialog box, and click OK.

For lots of extra info about printing, consult your Windows CD.
Drill down to the \OTHER\MISC\EPTS folder, double-click EPTS.EXE, and the Enhanced Printer Troubleshooter appears. Follow along, answering the questions it asks, and with luck, you'll find a solution.


Windows Safe Mode

Windows Safe Mode

Before you learn how to scan for viruses, there is one important skill you need: starting in safe mode. A well-written virus will start when your Windows operating system (XP or Vista) starts.

Since Windows cannot delete a program that is currently running, the antivirus software is unable to eliminate the virus. Safe mode starts the Windows system without running any applications or services beyond those required for XP/Vista to function.

Safe mode therefore disables the virus, which can then be deleted from your computer.

To start Windows XP or Vista in safe mode, follow these steps:

  1. Start your computer.

  2. Hold down the F8 key on your keyboard after the computer manufacturer’s name appears on the screen, and before you see the Windows logo. The timing is tricky, and it may take you a number of tries to perfect.
    If you are having problems timing the F8 key, there is another way to start your computer in safe mode.


Some STUPID info but interesting!

Below you will find lists of words you can type with:

the top row of a QWERTY keyboard
the middle row
the bottom row
the left hand on the top row
the right hand on the top row
the left hand on the middle row
the right hand on the middle row
the left hand on the bottom row
the right hand on the bottom row
the left hand
the right hand
alternating left-right-left

Top Row

e eerie Eire equip equity ere Erie err error erupt et etiquette Europe Euterpe ewe eye i ii iii Io ire it Ito o opt or ore Orr Ott otter Otto our out ow owe pee peep peepy peer pep peppery peppy per perpetuity Perry pert Peru pet Pete petit petite petri petty pew pewee pewter pi pie pier Pierre piety Piotr pip pipe Piper pipette pique pirouette pit Pitt pity Po Poe poet poetry poi poop poor pop pope poppy pore port Porte Porto pot potpourri pottery pour pout pow power prep pretty prey prior priori priory pro prop proper property proprietor propriety prototype prow pry Puerto pup puppet puppeteer puppy pure purport purr put putt putty pyre pyrite queer query queue quiet quip quirt quit quite Quito quo quote re rep repertoire repertory report repute require ret retire retiree retort Rio riot rip ripe rite Ritter roe root rope rot rote rotor rout route row Rowe Roy rue rupee rupture rut rutty rye tee teet teeter tepee Terre terrier territory terror terry tete ti tie tier tip tippy tiptoe tire tit to toe too toot top tor tore tori torpor torque torr tort torture tory tot tote tour tout tow tower toy tree treetop trio trip tripe trite troop trot troupe trout troy true try turret tutor tutu twit two type typewrite typo u up upper uproot Uri utter we wee weep Wei weir wept were wert wet Wier wipe wire wiry wit Witt witty woe woo wop wore worry wow writ write writeup wrote wry Wu y ye yet yip yore you your yow

total: 267 words

Middle Row

a ad Ada add ah ala Alaska alfalfa alga algal all Allah as ash ask ass dad Dada Dahl Dallas dash fad fag fall flag flak flash flask gad gaff gag gal gala gall gas gash glad glass ha Haag Haas had Haddad Hal half hall hash jag Kafka la lad lag lash lass sa sad sag saga Sal salad Salk sash shad shag shah shall slag slash

total: 68 words

Bottom Row
total: 0 words

Top Row Left
e ere err et ewe re ret tee teet teeter Terre tete tree we wee were wert wet
total: 18 words

Top Row Right
i ii iii Io o pi pip Po poi poop pop poppy pup puppy u up y yip you
total: 19 words

Middle Row Left
a ad Ada add as ass dad Dada fad fag gad gaff gag gas sa sad sag saga
total: 18 words

Middle Row Right
total: 0 words

Bottom Row Left
total: 0 words

Bottom Row Right
total: 0 words

Left Side
a Ababa abase abate abater abbas abbe abc Abe abed aberrate abet abetted abrade abreact abreast abscess abstract abstracter accede access Accra ace acetate acre acreage act actress Acts ad Ada adage add added address addressee adverb adverse advert aerate afar affect affectate aft aftereffect afterward agate agave age Agee aggravate aggregate agree agreed Arab arc arcade are area Ares arrear arrest art as ass assert assess asset Astarte aster at ate attest attract Atwater Ave aver average averred averse avert Avesta award aware awe ax axe axes Aztec babe baccarat bad bade badge bag baggage bar barb Barbara barber bard bare barefaced barge Barr barrage barre Barrett barrette Bart barter base bass Bassett bastard baste bat bate bater Bates batt bawd Baxter bazaar be bead bear beard beast beat beater beaver bed bedfast bedstraw bee Beebe beebread beef beer beet beg beget beggar berate Berea bereave bereft beret berg Berra Bert beset Bess best bet beta Bette beverage beware brace bract brad brae brag Bragg braggart brass brave bread breast bred breed breeze Brest Brett breve brevet brew Brewster cab cabaret cabbage cadaver cadet cadre Caesar cafe cage car Caracas carcass card care career carefree caress caret carfare Carr Carrara cart carte carve cascade cascara case cassette cast caste cat cataract catawba cater cave caveat caw cease cedar cede cerebrate Ceres Cesare cetera crab craft crag crass crate crater cravat crave craw craze crease create creed cress crest Crete crew czar dab Dacca dad Dada Dade dagger Dar dare dart dastard data database date dater Dave daze De dead deaf dear debar debase debate debater Debra debt Dec decade Decca decease decrease decree Dee deed deer Deere deface defeat defecate defect defer deferred deft degas degrade degrease degree derate Des Descartes desecrate desecrater desegregate desert deserve dessert detect deter deterred detest detract devastate dew dewar dexter drab draft draftee drag draw dread dredge dreg dress drew dwarf dwarves e eager ear ease east eastward eat eater eave ebb Ed Edgar edge Edward Edwards efface effect effete eft egg egress egret era erase ere erect erg err errata ersatz Essex estate ester Estes et eta etc Eva evade eve Everett ewe ex exacerbate exact exacter exaggerate excavate exceed excess excrete execrate exegete exert Exeter extra extract Ezra Faber facade face facet fact fad fade fag far farad Farber farce fare fast fat fate faze Fe fear feast feat Feb fed Fedders federate fee feed feet Ferber Ferrer ferret fest fete fetter fever few Fraser Fred free freed freer freest freeze fret gab gad gadget gaff gaffe gag gage gar garage garb garbage Garrett garter gas gases gate Gates gave gaze gazette gear gee geese Gerard Gerber get grab grace grad gradate grade Graff graft grass grata grate grater grave Graves graze grease great greater grebe Greece greed Greer greet Greg Gregg Greta grew Qatar Rabat rabat rabbet race radar Rae raft rag rage ragweed rare rasa raster rat rata rate rater ravage rave raw raze re read rear reave reb Rebecca recess red redact redstart reed reef Reese reeve Reeves refer referee referred refract regard regatta regress regret regretted reserve rest ret retard retract rev rever reverberate revere reverse revert revet revved reward Rex sa sabra sac saccade sacred sad safe sag saga sage Sara sassafras sat savage save saw sax scab scabbard scar scarce scare scarf scarface scarves scat screed screw sea seafare sear Sears seat seater seaward seaweed sec secede secret secrete sect sedate seder sedge see seed seedbed segregate seq sera serf serge serve set setscrew sever severe sew sewage Seward sewerage sex sextet stab staff stag stage star stare stargaze Starr start starve state stater stave stead steadfast stearate steed steer steeve Steve stew steward stewardess Stewart strafe strata straw street streetcar stress swab swag swage swart swat swear sweat sweater Swede sweet swerve tab tact tad taffeta Taft taft tag tar tara target tart tartar Tass taste tat tate tater tax tea teacart tear tease teat Ted ted tee teet teeter Teresa Terra terrace Terre terse Tess test testate testbed testes tete Texas text trace tract trade trag Trastevere traverse tread treat tree tress tsar tweed tweeze vacate vade vase Vassar vast vat Veda vee veer Vega vegetate Vera verb Verde verge versa versatec verse vertebra vertebrae vertebrate vertex verve vest vet vex wad wade wafer wag wage war ward ware warfare Warsaw wart was wast wastage waste wastewater water Watergate Waters watt wattage Watts wave wax we wear weave web Webb weber Webster wed wedge wee weed were wert west westward wet wrest Xerxes zag Zagreb zebra zest zeta

total: 765 words

Right Side

hi hill hilly hilum him hip hippo hippy ho hoi holly Holm holmium Hom homily homo homonym honk Honolulu hook hookup hoop hop hoy huh hulk hull hum hump Hun hunk hymn i ii iii ill imp in Injun ink inn Io ion Jill Jim jimmy Jo John Johnny join jolly Jon joy juju Julio July jump jumpy junk junky Juno Kikuyu kill killjoy kilo kilohm Kim kimono kin kink kinky knoll Ku Kuhn Lilly lily lim limp limpkin Lin link lion lip lo loin Loki loll lollipop lolly look lookup loom loon loop lop Lou loy lull lulu lump lumpy lymph Lynn Lyon mi milk milky mill million Mimi min mini minim minimum minion mink Moll Molly mommy monk monopoly moo moon mop mu mull mullion mum mummy muon my Nikko nil nip Nippon no Noll nolo non nook noon noun nu null nun nylon nymph o oh Ohio ohm oil oily Olin on onion onlook only opinion opium phi Phil Philip Phillip phon phonon phony pi pill pimp pin pinion pink pion pip Pliny plop plum plump plunk ply Po poi pol polio Polk poll polloi polo polonium polopony polyphony pomp pompon pony pooh pool poop pop poplin poppy pull pulp pump pumpkin pun punk punky puny pup pupil puppy u union up uphill upon y yin yip yolk yon you yuh Yuki Yukon

total: 226 words

Alternating Left-Right-Left Word

sah ahem aid air airman airmen airy aisle Aitken ala alai alan alb Alcmena Alcoa ale Aleutian also alto am ambient amble ambush amen amend an ana analeptic ancient and Andy anent Angie angle Angus ant anthem anti antic antique ape apricot apt auburn audible audit auditor auditory Aug augment augur auric aurochs authentic autism auto aye bianco bib Bible bicycle bid bien big bigot bit biz Blair Blake blame blanc blanch Blanche bland blandish blend boa bob bock Bodleian body Boeotia bog bogus bogy boric Boris born borne Borneo both bow bowie bowl bowman bowmen box boxy bub Buchanan buck buckeye bud Buena bug bugle burial Burke burl burlap burley Burma burn burnt burp bury bus bush bushel busy busywork but butyric by bye Byrne chair chairman chairmen chancy Chang chant Chao chaos chaotic chap chapel Chen Cheney Chris cit city civic clam clan clang clap Claudia Claus clay Clemens clement clench co coal cob cock cockeye cockfight coco cocoa cod codify Cody cog cork corn cornfield Corp corps corpsman corpsmen cos cosh cosy cot cotman cow cowhand cowl cowman cowmen cox cozy cub cubic cubicle cubit cud cue cur curia curie curl cusp cut cycle Cyrus dial Diana Diane dick dickens dickey did Dido die diem dig digit Dis dish disk dismal Disney dispel divisible divisor Dixie dixieland do dock dodo doe dog dogma Doria Doric Doris dormant dot Dow down Downey downright downtown downturn du dual Duane dub Dubhe duck dud Dudley due duel dug Durham dusk duty dye dyspeptic eh eight eighth eighty eke el elan elbow element Elena Elsie em emblem embody en enamel end endow Eng England Engle Enrico entity envy euglena eye fib fiche fiducial field fiend fiendish fig fight fir firm fish Fisk Fiske fit fix flair flak flake flam flame flan flap foal foam fob foci focus foe fog fogy for fork form formal formant fowl fox foxy Fuchs Fuchsia fuel fugue fur furl Furman fury fusible fusiform Ghana Ghent giant gig girl gland glans glen go Goa goal gob Gobi god gog Gogh gogo Gorham gory gosh gospel got Gotham gown Guam guru Gus gush gut Guthrie gyro ha hair hairy Haiti Haitian Hal hale Haley half halt ham Hamal Han Hancock hand handiwork handle handy Haney hang hangman hangmen Hans hap haughty hay Haydn hayfield he heigh height heir held Helen Helena Helene hem hen Henri henry Hepburn hey iambic Ian ibid ibis Ibn icicle icy id idle if Igor iris Irish irk Irma is Isis Islam island isle it Ito iv ivory ivy ix jake jam Jan Jane Janeiro jangle Japan jay kale Kane Kant Kaufman Kay Keith ken Kent kept key la laid lair laity lake lam lama lamb lame lament Lana land Landis lane Lang Langley langur Lao Laos Laotian lap lapel laud Laue laugh Laurie lay Leigh Leland Len Lena lend lens lent Leo leprosy ma Mahayana maid make Malay Malaysia male malt mambo man mana Manama mandible mane mangle mango mangy mantic mantis mantle Mao Maori map may Maya McKay McKenzie McLeod me Mel meld melt memento men mend Menelaus mentor meow Nair Nairobi Nakayama name Nan Nancy nap naughty nay Ndjamena ne Nehru neigh neo Nepal nepenthe neuritis neurosis neurotic oak oaken oboe of ogle or orient Orlando ornament Osiris Otis Ovid oviform ow owl own ox pa paid pair pal pale palsy Pam Pamela pan panama pane panel pang pansy pant pantheism panty pap papa papal paucity pay pelt pelvic pelvis pen penal penalty penchant pend pent Peoria pep Pepsi PepsiCo Priam prick prig prism privy pro problem prod prodigy producible Prof proficient profit prorogue prosodic prosody proto Protozoa protozoan proviso prow prowl proxy prudish prurient pry psi psych psyche qua quake Quantico quantify quantity quay quench queue rhapsodic rhapsody rib rich Richfield rick Rico rid rifle rifleman riflemen rig right rigid risible risk ritual roam rob robot rock rococo rod Rodney roe rogue rosy rot Roth rotor row Rowland Rowley rub ruby Rudy rue Rufus rug rush rusk rut Ruth Rutland Ryan rye shah shake shaken shale sham shaman shamble shame shamrock Shanghai shanty shape shay she Shelby shelf Shenandoah shriek shrub shrug sial Sian sib Sibley sic sick sicken sidle Sidney Siemens Siena sigh sight sigma sign signal sir sis sit situ situs six skeptic slake slam slang slant slap slay sleigh sleight slept sleuth smelt snake snap so soak soap soapsud sob Soc social sock sockeye sod Sofia sorority sow sown spa span spangle spay spend spent sprig sprue sub such suck sud sudorific sue suey surname Sus Susie suspend suspensor Sydney Syria syzygy Thai than the their theism them theme then Theodosian theory they throb throw thrown thrush ti tibia tic tick tid tidy tie tight tit tithe titian title Tito Titus to Toby toe tofu tog Togo tor tori torn torus tory tot toto tow town townsman townsmen toxic tub tuck Tudor tug turk turkey turn tusk tutor tutorial tutu Tyburn ugh Uri Uris urn Uruguay us usual usurp usury vi via vial vie Vientiane virus visible Visigoth visit visitor visor visual Vito Vivian vivid vivify vivo viz vodka vogue vow whale Whalen wham Whelan when whey wick widow wield wig Wightman wigmake wiry wish wisp wit with withal withe woe work world worm worn wow Wu wysiwyg xi yah yak Yale yam Yamaha yang yap ye Yemen yen zig Zoe Zorn Zurich

total: 896 words


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